Tyke Nunez

I am an assistant professor in the philosophy department at the University of South Carolina. I received my PhD in April 2015 from the University of Pittsburgh. My research is primarily on Kant and the History of Analytic Philosophy. I have secondary interests in the Philosophy of Logic, Philosophical Logic, Ancient Philosophy, 19th and 20th Century European Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, and Environmental Ethics.

My work usually centers on Kant and focuses on questions in the philosophy of logic and mathematics, as well as their history. Because Kant conceives of a body of systematic knowledge as analogous to an organism, I have also written on topics in Kant’s teleology that are bound up with his philosophy of mind and metaphysics.

Long term, I am working to develop an interpretation of Kant’s theoretical philosophy that begins from Kant’s conception of the distinction between receptive and spontaneous faculties for knowledge and examines the differences developing from these between the a priori rational sciences of mathematics, logic, and metaphysics. I want to understand the ways in which, and why, Kant takes determinate knowledge of individual objects to require both intuitions and concepts, and the problems that he takes to arise from the confusion of these representations (especially in Leibniz). I also want to understand the different senses in which pure general logic and transcendental logic are each formal. Here I believe it is helpful to think about form as what makes a thing what it is or answers the question “what is it?”, as Plato and Aristotle did.

Since the fall of 2020, my main project has been a book manuscript on Bertrand Russell’s conception of space in his early, An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry. In it, I argue we find an interesting and novel conception of space and spatial intuition that is both worth study in its own right and that illuminates a direct and unappreciated influence of Kant’s on the advent of modern logic. This is because in Foundations we find a serious attempt to synthesize Kant’s and Carl Stumpf’s views of space and spatial representation, in order to develop a conception of these that can ground both projective and metric geometry. The resulting position has both Leibnizian and Kantian elements. Russell takes it to resolve a few antinomies that he thinks afflict both Stumpf's and Kant's views. Russell’s Foundations conception of space, however, has a serious instability stemming from chiral objects, or what Kant calls “incongruent counterparts,” like a left and right hand. This instability is what drives Russell to eventually develop his logic of relations, and to reject space as a foundation for mathematics altogether.


“Not quite yet a hazy limbo of mystery: Intuition in Russell's An Essay on the Foundations of Geometry.” Mind. 2024. Print Version. (abstract)

“The Formality of Kant's Logic and Consciousness of Logical Laws.” In The Palgrave Handbook for German Idealism and Analytic Philosophy. Ed. by Jonas Held and James Conant. (Forthcoming). (abstract)

“The Doctrine of Internal Relations: Russell’s 1897 Rejection.” In Early Analytic Philosophy: Essays on its Origins and Transformation. Ed. by Gilad Nir and James Conant. (Forthcoming). (abstract)

“Kant on Plants: Self-activity, Representations, and the Analogy with Life.” Philosopher's Imprint. Volume 21, No. 11, May, pages 1-30, 2021. (handout) (abstract)

“Kant on Vital Forces and the Analogy with Life.” Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress ‘The Court of Reason.’ (Oslo, 6-9 August 2019) ed. by Camilla Serck-Hanssen and Beatrix Himmelmann. Vol 2, Pages 961-972. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter. 2021. Print Version. (abstract)

“Kant, Frege, and the Normativity of Logic: MacFarlane's Argument for Common Ground” European Journal of Philosophy. Volume 24, Issue 4, December, pages 988-1009. 2021. Print Version. (abstract)

“Logical Mistakes, Logical Aliens, and the Laws of Kant's Pure General Logic.” Mind. Volume 128, Issue 512, Pages 1149–1180. 2019. Print Version. (abstract)

---Winner of the American Philosophical Association, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Prize (2019).

"Modeling Unicorns and Dead Cats: Applying Bressan's MLν to the Necessary Properties of Non-existent Objects." Journal of Philosophical Logic. Volume 47, Pages 95–121. 2018. Print version. (abstract)

“Definitions of Kant’s Categories.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Supplemental Volume on Mathematics in Kant’s Critical Philosophy. Volume 44, Issue 5 – 6, Pages 631–657. 2014. Print version. (abstract)

Critical Notices

“Robert Sinclair (ed.) Science and Sensibilia, by W. V. Quine: The 1980 Immanuel Kant Lectures.” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy. Volume 11, Number 3, pages 11-19. 2023. (abstract)

“Lu-Adler's Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction.” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, Volume 8, Number 7, pages 17-31. 2020. (abstract)

Popular Writing

"Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Academic Philosophy." This is a short blog post on Daily Nous where I discuss what it has been like in academic philosophy as someone with dyslexia and dysgraphia.

"Remarks on the occasion of Kant’s 300th birthday." These are brief remarks about why Kant is still relevant to the world today that I gave to a salon-birthday party on the eve of Kant's 300th.